The real problem about “Making Money” is not whether you manifest money or don't manifest money. It's what you do with the money that determines its value. The underlying power of this law in your life will be determined by the decisions you make on how to apply the Law of Attraction.

For the Law of Attraction to work, money must be manifested. That's how money becomes money. Unless you have a lot of money already, then it doesn't matter how much money you spend or where you go. This is the problem with the Law of Attraction, or more specifically: Its inability to manifest money.

One of the reasons that the Law of Attraction cannot manifest money, is because of where it's originated and how it was first introduced. You see, money is only something that you can give to someone else.

Money, like love, has nothing to do with how much you have. You may have $100,000 in debt, but if you can't pay it back, no one is going to love you. It all boils down to your willingness to give, when someone asks for what they want, and the amount of money that you're willing to give them.

This is the root of the Law of Attraction; the one thing that you have to do, is just give. What it means is that to manifest the money that you really want, you have to give your money away.

Once you learn how to connect your energy to a higher force, it's easy to tell whether you are giving to a manifestation of God, or if you are acting based on what the highest order of energy wants. It will say whether or not the manifestation is God, or your own actions, so that you can overcome any obstacles and problems that you're having.

However, it's not necessary to believe that you are giving something to someone else, in order to be able to manifest money. It doesn't matter if you're selling a product or just giving someone an opportunity to reach their goals. Whether you believe it or not, if it makes sense to you, it will manifest itself.

You may be thinking that your money does mean something different than the energy of money. However, it's still as true as ever.

People often talk about “giving money” as though it is only for the purpose of spending it, but this isn't true at all. Yes, the amount of money you give is important, but it is only one element in the creation of your reality.

The next thing to do is to focus on that aspect. Keep in mind that you are not giving money to make someone else richer, but you are giving them the ability to make more money, which they can use to build wealth.

A great idea would be to let a friend borrow a small amount of money, so that you can give it to them as soon as possible. Then the friend can go and live it out, and if you believe in the Law of Attraction, they will manifest it into your life as well.

There is nothing wrong with the idea of “making money”. What's wrong is trying to force money into your life because it's attached to other things. If you focus on a higher power and use the Law of Attraction, money will manifest into your life.