The Manifesting of Money is the process of creating something from nothing. Money is the universal language of attraction. In order to manifest money in our lives, we have to know the law of attraction and know how to use it. Then, the money that you create will manifest in your life.

Belief is the key to attracting something into your life. If you believe it and do it, you will attract it.

The Law of Attraction states that whatever thoughts or beliefs you have about something are the source of that thing. If you attract something into your life with thoughts about it, it will come into your life.

Belief is a form of energy. Energy is attracted to energy. Your belief about money will create the energy to attract more money.

Our beliefs about money are based on what we think and believe about the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly, the sweet and the sour, and other positive things. In other words, if you believe it, it will become true.

I've learned this concept by observing what works in the spiritual realm, and the way people choose to manifest in their life's house. And I can now use it to manifest my own money. It's a powerful tool and a very practical one.

When I was living on my own, I felt this need to know how to create money. I didn't have the money. I was broke.

I had faith in God, but I was not strong enough to attract it. So I prayed about it, and it worked. And after I prayed, Ibegan manifesting with it.

After I prayed about money, I asked God for this one request. I asked for a million dollars to be given to me. And God gave it to me. But because I didn't believe it, it didn't turn into a reality.

I believe that if I can manifest by faith, I will be less likely to doubt myself or other things. When I have faith in God, my thoughts are what he will give me. And because I have faith, I know he will grant me the money that I ask for.

Belief is power. Whatever you believe in, will come true.

The Law of Attraction states that when you have faith, then anything you want to attract will come to you. If you believe that you have a million dollars in your pocket, then you will be a millionaire. Everything is based on the law of attraction.