There is a law of attraction and the law of manifestation. They are the two most important laws of this universe. They are not opposites, but they are complimentary to each other.

You cannot manifest without a Law. The Law of Attraction is the most powerful tool available to you. It can take you from the state of depression to a healthy, happy and successful lifestyle.

The Law of Attraction says, “you will attract what you believe”. If you only think about money, it will go out of your life. It might be missing in your life but you have to accept that it will be there. You cannot help the Law of Attraction, if you deny it.

Affirmations will only work if you use them with purpose. You have to believe that you can manifest more money. For example, when you believe that you can have ten thousand dollars, you manifest the ten thousand dollars into your life.

So, when you are getting your affirmations about manifesting money right, your mind becomes focused on how to manifest the money. After many days or weeks, you get there and you have it. You have made a manifest of the money.

The Law of Attraction is like an explosion. If you put the energy into it, it will explode. Therefore, you have to concentrate on the process to manifest the money in your life.

To manifest anything in your life you have to focus on it. Imagine you want to become a millionaire. Your focus must be on becoming a millionaire. If you stop being afraid that you are going to fail, the Law of Attraction will do the rest.

When you are feeling powerless, the power of positive thinking will make you feel like you can do anything. When you focus on the things you want in your life, you will manifest it. The more you focus on the money, the more money you will have.

The Law of Attraction and the Law of Affirmation are two sides of the same coin. If you choose to follow the first one, the second one will follow. If you are using affirmations to manifest your money, you must believe it is true. You must be certain it is going to manifest.

Your affirmations will have a powerful effect on your mind. Because they come from your inner mind, you must get into your subconscious mind. Then, it will work on your subconscious to manifest your dreams.

The Law of Affirmation is another way to bring money into your life. It is a way to attract good things into your life. Using affirmations with the Law of Attraction, you will attract positive energy into your life.

Do not underestimate the power of affirmations. By using affirmations and the Law of Attraction together, you will attract a positive outcome. There is nothing you can do to change the Universe to bring you abundance.